Chris and I have been doing the same thing for two weeks - getting up a little later than we wish we would, cutting brush and mesquite trees with chain saws, piling it all up in burn piles, loading the rounds in the tractor and hauling them away for firewood. I've had "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claws" in my head most of the time because of all the mistletoe in the mesquite trees. Chris had "this s*** is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s" stuck in his head for a lot of today. It popped into my head because I thought it was bananas how much tree we had cut down, and I passed it on to him like a disease. He keeps rearranging the words. It's almost as bad as "Yellow Submarine."
At night, we do some combination of the following: read, research the PCT, sit in the hot tub, cook, watch a movie, do a puzzle, and/or listen to Harry Potter on audiodisk. For the last three days, we've been working on a puzzle (given to us by my mom) and listening to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's unreal how fast the time passes. It's peaceful, quiet and pleasant, mostly.
So time just slips by, for the most part unbounded by any interesting events...
The only thing we've done different than all of this is go for a "hike" at Choke Canyon State Park. Here's Choke Canyon Reservoir, the park's namesake, and isn't the view beautiful?
I think we got about 5 feet of elevation all day. |
I'm really looking forward to the PCT. Speaking of...
PCT news:
We bought the tent! Lunar Duo it is. Also, my ULA Circuit just came in, and I am ecstatic at the fit and comfort. I got the new S-shaped shoulder straps, designed for women. They seem to feel pretty good. Now for somewhere to take it... Chris and I are thinking Big Bend for a long weekend soon.