Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 7

End: still in the damn wind farm!
Daily: 20.5
Total: 589

Luckily we have a really sheltered place to sleep so it won't be as bad as last night. It took two hours for me to fall asleep because the wind was so strong, it felt like someone shaking my sleeping bag to wake me up every thirty seconds. Bubbles' sleeping pad blew away in the night. How, I don't know, but she slept most of the night without one. When we woke up, we were confused as to why there was a sleeping pad caught in the bushes next to us. Then we figured it out. Bubs was really lethargic all day, partly because of that and partly because she's been hiking with people who really like to drink this week, and she hasn't been hydrating well enough. 

Today was pretty average for us. We got out of the more deserty scene and up into some shrubs and trees. Pretty views of the mountains. It didn't really look like Southern California, especially since some clouds rolled in later in the day. Green mountains, as far as we could see.

The wind generators gave the whole scene today an otherworldly feel. Just so weird. They are so much bigger up close than they seem from far away. They're loud, too. 

Chris said today kind of felt like punching the clock. The main goal on everyone's mind is to get to Kennedy Meadows. We just want to get these miles done so we can start the Sierra!

There was only one water source all day, too. Water is scarce through this section. Its actually better than most years, but we still have multiple 20-25 mile stretches with no water. I would hate to do this on a dry year. Not really, but it would be a lot harder.

It was fun to hike around so many people, too. When Chris and I are alone, we don't get to hear all the drama and stuff. It was entertaining to get the update when we met back up with Bubbles. 


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