Friday, July 22, 2011

July 14

End: Wolf Creek
Daily: 16
Total: 1041

Today was pretty much a typical day in the Sierra. The first few miles were snow free, then we climbed a lot and got back into snow. Then it was pretty much trail finding for the rest of today.

We left like an hour after everyone else, and Chris was feeling tired so we took a nap. We were awoken from our nap... by Boots, Bubs, Quake, and Grenade. We were so surprised they were behind us. They had gotten lost and ended up following another trail (Boulder Lakes) back to the PCT.

Later on in the day, Boots and Quake followed Annie, who was hiking following her GPS. I'm really glad we don't have one, because hiking while following the GPS just seems like little better than setting up a Wii in your backyard. I would be bored - I think finding your way is part of the fun. But to each their own.

There are about 10or 12 other people here. To tell the truth, I miss it when Chris and I were hiking alone but we'd just bump into people all day. And we'd camp alone so we could read and not hear everyone at night and in the morning. I like the social aspect, but Chris and I work better as a group than Chris and I and nine other people. Maybe if we could camp with other people like every other day.

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