Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 29 - Muir Pass

End: Near Colby Meadow
Daily: 13.3
Total: 847.5

The rain didn't wait until the afternoon to hit. It woke me up at 3 am.

We had a hard time decided to get up and over Muir Pass. At 10,000 feet you're often actually in the clouds on a rainy day, and we didn't know if we could find our way if all of a sudden we lost visibility. We knew Muir pass could be long and confusing, and that there were many bodies of water we had to get around. The visibility was good so far, so we decided to push on.

Then Wandering D.O.T., Han Solo and Rockfish came over a little hill and said they were glad they were going to get to hike with someone! And did we have a GPS? Because they did! Even though we didn't have to use it all day, it still made me feel better to have that safety net in case we did get socked in.

It snowed some and then it was just mostly really windy. Getting up to the Pass wasn't as hard as we thought it was going to be, probably because we were prepared for a long haul. But we ended up cresting a ridge and there was the Muir Hut, this awesome round stone building built in the 30's by the Sierra Club. It was so nice to get out of the wind.

When we started down, the cold and light powder actually made a lot of the walk down a pleasure. Bu the descent from Muir is so gradual that we ended up being on snow for a long, long time. By the end I was so done.

After we found a campsite, it started to snow again. It's stopped for now, but I hope this doesn't make the creek crossings harder. Evolution Creek tomorrow - that's supposed to be hard.

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