Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 10

Starting point: fobes saddle
Ending point: saddle junction
Daily miles: 13.9 (+2.5)
Total: 179.4

In case there was any doubt, there are real mountains in Southern California. This morning we woke up to the sun trying so hard to burn the fog away, and succeeding every once in a while. Through the fog we caught glimpses of the mountains around us - Apache Peak and South Peak and others. The snow/ice storm that kept us up ALL NIGHT left the trees with a layer of hoarfrost that sparkled magnificently in the sun. It also melted in the warmer weather, which meant all day we were dodging falling ice that had broken off from the tops of 200 foot tall pines and firs. One piece of ice that fell on my hand actually drew blood.

Gorgeous views once the clouds lifted. But the walking was hard today - lack of sleep and a lot of elevation made me tired, so getting into Idyllwild was wonderful. We got a ride from a guy out for an afternoon walk, named Tom. He was really nice. The inn here has cabins, so we shared a cabin with another couple and brought some wine to a hiker potluck at another cabin. It was so much fun. One of the team leaders from the Mount Adams Center (where Chris and I were based out of for the last few years), Greg Baxter, was there. He works for the PCTA now.

Anyway, now it's the next day and we're taking the day off to rest our weary feet. Tomorrow we head up towards Fuller Ridge, which is supposed to be tricky.

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