Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3

End: old road next to Hwy 35
Daily: 31.1
Total: 2102.5

We woke up early early because Pepe did, which wasn't a bad thing. We had gotten enough sleep.

Then we just walked. Our days have become so simple. All we do is walk, almost from sunup to sundown. We take a few breaks but they aren't long. It's been nice rolling with Pepe because we always have something to talk about. But yeah, if we're not moving, we're sleeping or eating. It's just life. I don't know what we'll do when we stop. We haven't needed much creativity for so long. There is no "what should I do today?" We just walk. North.

I don't crave food anymore either. It's weird, you'd think we would crave more, but we get a ton of veggies from Chris's mom, and I feel like I get anything I want on a regular enough basis, and my body is so used to this food and I feed it vitamins. That was a really long, poorly written sentence. Oh, and there are huckleberries and strawberries every day for our fresh fruit needs.

We were talking about this at dinner - being in the woods is so normal now.

Anyway, fall is an awesome season. The weather is perfect. I wish this didn't mean the snow was coming though.

So back to today. For lunch we ate at Little Crater Lake, which also happens to be the first part of the PCT I ever saw and also the first part of the PCT I've been to before starting. Crazy. I had gone to the lake for a work project and took a 1/4 mile side trail just to see the PCT. It was a distant dream at the time that I didn't even think would happen.

Anyway, there were tons of people coming up from the campground, and Chilidog and Pepe and I sat on the far side of the lake from the campground trail and put words in people's mouths and just people watched, which is a way fun thing to do at a busy campground.

Then off to camp. Rest of the day was pretty nondescript. Got here, which was also weird, knowing I've driven this road a ton and knowing that people I know probably drove by us while we were setting up and cooking. Weird.


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