Monday, August 8, 2011

August 6

End: Fitzhugh Gulch
Daily: 25.8
Total: 1478.1

Oh man, getting enough sleep really helps. I felt much better today.

We fought our way through brush for most of today, with some gorgeous forest walks mixed in. We got the big climb done right away so by lunchtime we got to sleep and rest. Then we fell down another hill for most of the rest of the day.

Poison oak started just before dinner. Hopefully we'll be as lucky this time as we were coming out of Belden and not have a reaction.

So we got to camp, set up, washed off in the river a bit and laid down, when we heard "IS that Seahorse?" It was Serenity and 3 Times a Lady! We haven't seen them since Big Bear. They flipped up to Ashland after being scared for their lives on Mather Pass and have been hiking southbound. So good to see them.

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