Monday, August 8, 2011

July 30

End: Meadow on a ridge
Daily: 228
Total: 1318.6

Today, we were tired. Chris took a Benadryl before bed, but that was after 10, and then this morning we got woken up by Sparrow, Tum Tum, and Bubbles' headlamps shining in our eyes, and I was kept awake by GIANT ANTS CRAWLING IN MY SHIRT. We ended up starting hiking at like 5:40, but Chris was pissed and I was tired.

The huge climb at the beginning of the day was really tiring. We followed a canyon all the way up 3500 feet. In the middle we collapsed from exhaustion and then made some cold VIA (works really well). That helped a lot.

We talked about an imaginary house Chris wants to build all day. We have it down to the dimensions, how many windows, and what color the walls would be. That helped distract us from how tired we were.

There were a lot of springs the 1st half of the day, but now we're in a 13 mile dry stretch. Practice for Hat Creek Rim.

No idea what these were, but they smelled amazing

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